
MHP: Cold Rains, Chapter 6

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"Well, we can't take them with us!"

"Why not? Preacher can take care o' herself. An' the others—"

"They're children, Fox. And if we don't—"

"It's a trap!"

"56, what if we go and then there are some, I dunno, cronies lying in wait?"


"Hush, you."

The clan was debating while Tethys taught them to tie good knots about whether this was a trap or not. Tethys had mostly remained quiet, only speaking to correct a loop or a tie. He turned the words the others had told him over and over in his head. He'd been with Bunny since his soul-donor had died; she'd been all he knew until a couple of weeks ago…but what if all he knew was wrong? He shook his head vigorously, his mohawk making a whapping noise in the air. It couldn't be wrong. She loved him. She had to.

Abruptly, he looked up to see the hard, silver optics of Shen, 95's older brother, staring at him. "Ah, um…hallo," he said tentatively, dipping his head back down.

Shen stared at him for a moment more, unnervingly still. "You hurt my sister."

"Nyet!" Tethys replied quickly, his head shooting back up. "Nyet, I did not. I vas very careful to not hurt her."

"Were you the one who told her the stories?" Crow asked cautiously, peeking over Shen's shoulder. Shen lifted his arm and ushered her into it, where he could hold her protectively.

"Ah, da, dat vas me," Tethys muttered, looking back down at the rope around his wrists. It was tied in a relatively simple clove hitch. Close by, for a macabre twist, Fox was tying a noose by which Tethys would be led to the old playhouse.

"You told her the silver hoof story!" Butterfly cried, startling Tethys and causing him to scramble away. She plopped down close by, clutching her brother's hand tightly. "I love that story! It's my favorite!"

"Butterfly, hush," Shen said sharply. Butterfly rolled her eyes.

"I tank you," Tethys murmured, still staring at his feet.

Butterfly cocked her head and released Keller's hand to crawl over. "Hey, guy," she said, poking Tethys's knee. "Hey." Tethys looked over at her. "How come you're sad?"

"You'd think you'd be practically gleeful," Shen spat, "considering your kidnapping plot went off without a hitch. Hell, if you hadn't come back—"

"Language, Shen," 39 said, arching a brow at his oldest. Shen quickly quieted into a fuming silence, glaring daggers at Tethys. "Sorry about that," 39 said with a small, apologetic smile. "He's on edge, we all are."

"You don't need to apologize to him," 56 sneered, apparently siding with her son on this one. "He kidnapped our daughter, or have you forgotten?"

39 took her hand and pressed it to his lips as Fox stood and dropped the noose over Tethys's neck. "Of course I haven't forgotten," 39 murmured, holding his mate's hand against his face. "I want her back just as badly as you do. And Tethys is going to lead us to her." He looked pointedly at Tethys. "Aren't you?"

"Da," he said, nodding his head vigorously. "I—I don't—I didn't—I'm sorry," he finally sputtered, curling back up. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"There, now," Σmily said softly, patting his back. Mags stood back nervously. "It's all right. Everything will be fine."

"Dinnae make promises yeh aren' sure yeh can keep, lass," Fox said, tugging at the rope in his hands that attached to Tethys's neck. "All righ', up yeh get. How far's it?"

"Not far," Tethys replied, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground. "A few hours."

"All righ'," Fox nodded, before addressing the children. One look from him and the kids fell in line, in order from tallest to smallest, a pointed empty space between Shen and Butterfly. "We talked it o'er, an' we're takin' yeh lot with us. I know Shen wouldnae stand fer waitin' here while we all went ta get tha wee lass, an' yeh all are gettin' yer upgrades in a few days, so we migh' as well take yeh on a genuine search-an'-rescue. Yeh lot will stay outside the playhouse wi' Σmily, Mags, 5-6 an' 27. Me, 38, 39, 56, an' the mohawked moron will be goin' in ta fetch her. All righ'?"

"All right!" the kids chirped, all of them secretly very excited to be going on this mission.

"All righ', then," Fox replied with a small smile of his own. He quickly wiped it away and kicked the back of Tethys's knees, sending him stumbling. "Lead the way, fecker."


"Stay here," 38 said, kneeling to look Crow in the eyes. "If anything happens, anything, just scream as loud as you can, okay?"

"What could happen?" Crow said, her eyes growing fearful.

"Someone migh' come after yeh," Fox said, unwilling to sugarcoat it. "'Tis unlikely, but still possible. Keep a sharp eye, Preacher. Survey e'ry so often."

"Okay." She abruptly scrambled over and latched onto Fox's middle. "Be careful, Da."

"I will, Preacher," Fox murmured, bending to scoop her up. 38 rested her hand on Crow's back and pressed her lips on her forehead. "We'll be back wi' 95 before yeh know it."

"We will," 39 said, nodding at Fox. He looked at his son. "You're the biggest. Try to keep everyone calm, okay? I'm counting on you, soldier."

"Yes, Dad," Shen said solemnly. 39 smiled softly and pulled him over, wrapping his son tight in his arms. He reached out and grabbed his mate as well, the family unit drawing strength and grace under pressure from each other, before finally his parents released him and nodded seriously, sending him back to the non-fighters.

Fox deposited Crow on the ground as well, giving her a small push back to the children, where Shen quickly caught her. Fox blinked once, then turned away and walked forward, pulling Tethys along by the makeshift leash. 38, 39, and 56 followed, their weapons drawn.

The theater was eerily quiet, and dusty. "Bunny!" Fox roared, fury in his tone as he called out to his sister. "Get yer cotton-tailed-arse out here!"

"Ooh, brother dear!" Bunny practically squealed from behind the Asian screen. She shuffled about for a moment or two, then appeared in all her glory, sash around her waist and riding crop in hand. She leaned her free arm up against the edge of the screen and crossed her ankles languidly. "Oh, Pi, honey, you brought friends. I was so hoping you'd come alone."

"Tha's not my name anymore," Fox growled. "An' we're here ta make a trade."

"Brother dear," Bunny purred, running the crop from her shoulder to her waist provocatively. "Are you giving yourself for the child? It almost seems too much to hope for."

"Tha's because 'tis too much ta hope for, yeh whore."

"We're offering him," 56 said harshly, kicking Tethys in the back and sending him sprawling in front of Bunny, "for my daughter."

"Oh, the warrior-woman speaks," Bunny said, the wicked humor in her voice quickly replaced with icy barbs. "How's your mate? You know, last I saw him, he was screwing positively everything in sight. He was even willing to go after me, his leader's mortal enemy."

"Well, I'm not anymore," 39 said, the perpetual humor in his voice gone as well. It was a little unnerving to hear. "I have a mate, a son, and a daughter I would very much like back."

"Oh, that you'd 'very much like back'," Bunny taunted, shaking her head and those ridiculous ears. "And, instead of offering the one you know I want, you offer up that?" She sneered down at Tethys, who was still groveling on the floor.

38 flinched slightly at her unforgiving tone as Tethys weakly shuffled himself onto his knees. "Well, yes," she said, sounding confused. "I mean, he's your mate. Don't you want him back?"

Instead of answering her, Bunny tipped Tethys's face up to look at her with her crop. He hesitantly smiled. "Hallo, mistress."
"Oh, Pet. You got yourself captured, didn't you?"

"Da," Tethys nodded vigorously.

Bunny tipped her head and smiled sadly, then, quick as a flash, reared back and smacked Tethys as hard as she could across the face with her crop, so fast and solid that Tethys hadn't even had time to brace himself, and he screamed as he fell. This was not playtime, like she liked. She was not 'having fun'. She was punishing him.

The twins gasped as Bunny rolled Tethys over and pressed her foot into the button on his chest. "How many times," she sneered as Tethys averted his gaze and gasped for breath like a fish out of his bowl, trying to regain his faculties, "have I told you not to lie to me, Pet?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tethys wheezed, the only thing he knew to say in this situation, just keep saying it and soon it would all be over. 38 tried to rush over to help him, but Fox held her back, perhaps hoping she could get out all her aggression and then they could talk about the trade.

"You gave yourself up!" Bunny screeched, accenting each word with a 'whap' of the crop. "You stupid, worthless thing! Awful, bad, useless!" Bunny raised the crop to hit him again, and Tethys flinched and whimpered, coiling into a ball. As she held the crop up, tensed and ready to bring it down again, she saw him and something in her expression shifted. She set her mouth and lowered the crop, stepping off of her stitch punching bag. "Get out," she said, quietly and fiercely. Tethys raised his head to look at her. "I'm not telling you where she is, and I don't want him. Come back when you can trade me for someone worthwhile."

"Mistress," Tethys choked out, shuddering onto his side, struggling to sit up.

"Oh, Tethys," she sighed, the humor back in her voice, interlaced with pity. "You stupid thing. You still don't understand."

"You are my everything," Tethys whispered, looking up at her pleadingly.

"You were my plaything," Bunny countered, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "Don't you get it, Tethys? You've outlasted your necessity. There never was a necessity in the first place, really."

"But—but I—" Tethys shook his head, as if this was all a bad dream. "You are my mate!"

"What?" Bunny said, with a laugh and an eyeroll. "Is that what you thought? That I was—oh, that's rich. Tethys, listen carefully." She pointed to her own lips. "You were my toy. We were never mates. You were a way to relax when I was angry. Did you actually love me?"

Tethys was silent, staring at the ground. "I…" was all he managed to choke out.

"Maker, I knew you were stupid, but this is a new low."

Tethys remained silent a moment more, then turned to look at Fox. "Please untie me."

His voice was unnervingly calm, given his near-sobbing state just a few seconds ago. Fox slipped the noose off his neck, then set to work untying his wrists, if only to see what he would do. After all, he was of no use to anyone now, not the clan and not Bunny. Tethys stood when Fox finished, rubbing his wrists.

"So I," Tethys said coolly, staring Bunny in the eyes, "I vas nothink. I vas less dan nothink to you. Da?"

"Well, duh."

"Ah, of course. Duh," he said flatly. "You—you beat me every day. Used me to make yourself feel good. And I told myself, 'Tethys, ees okay! She loves you! Dis is love!' And I vas wrong. So, so wrong."

And suddenly, as quickly as Bunny had earlier, Tethys socked her in the jaw, sending her to the ground with a cry of surprise. "Dat ees for de years of pain!" he screamed, voice now higher-pitched and harsh. He kicked her square in the stomach and she curled around it painfully. "Dat ees for all de lies!" Finally, he rolled her over and snatched up the riding crop, swiftly and surely smacking her across the cheek with it, so hard that it ripped a clean line in the fabric on her face. He held the end of the crop against her chest and snarled, "And dat ees for taking avay de one person who treated me decently." He leaned close and harshly whispered, "Vhere. Ees. De. Leetle vone."

"You've grown a backbone, pet," Bunny murmured with a smirk.

"Too bad you'll never get to enjoy it." He paused. "I vill not ask again."

"I'm not telling you where she is."

"Fine." He held his hand out to Fox, not taking his eyes off the stitch on the ground. "Ropes." Fox put the twine in his hands and Tethys quickly and securely bound Bunny up in a series of complicated knots. She fought him a couple of times, but all he had to do was smack her a few more times to make her stop struggling. Finally, she was trussed. "See how you like it."

"Tethys, darling," she purred, desperation behind her optics. "You surely won't leave me like this, will you?"

"Vatch me." He stepped off her and turned back to the clan. "Split up. Look everyvhere. She vill probably be in a jewelry box, ornate looking, vith vines on it. And a keyhole." At that, Tethys ran back behind the screen and grabbed the key from Bunny's bedside. He ran back and handed it to 56. "Dat vill unlock de box. I'll look too. Come on!"

The others took off after him, doing as he said and searching high and low for the jewelry box. Finally, backstage under a pile of costumes, 39 heard her.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"95!" 39 shouted desperately, tossing costumes aside as fast as he could. "I'm comin', lovey! 56! 56, I found her!"

The others jumped from where they'd been searching and ran over as fast as they could, vaulting over dusty props and bits of wood, 56 reaching there first. 39 hauled a jewelry box out from under the pile and 56 quickly fit the key in, turning it so fast 39 feared she'd break it. The lid popped open and 95 vaulted out into her mother's arms.

"Oh!" 56 cried joyfully, holding 95 tightly, like she'd never let go. 39 wrapped his arms around the both of them. "Oh, my baby, my little girl!"

"It was dark," 95 sniffed, burying her face in her mother's body. "It was scary."

"It's over now," 39 murmured, giving his girls a squeeze. "It won't ever happen again."

95 leaned back and smiled brightly. "I missed you."

"We missed you too, love," 56 said happily, smothering her daughter in kisses, which caused 95 to giggle happily, relieved and joyful and so happy to be home in her mother's arms.

"Oi, wee lass!" Fox said, actually smiling and rubbing the yarn-covered half of her head. "Good ta see yeh."

"You too, Fox," 95 said happily, giving him a kiss on the cheek, followed by one for 38. "Where's everyone else?"

"Outside," 56 said, still grinning like a loon. "Let's go see them, shall we?"

The four adults and the child made their way down and out to the dilapidated street, where their family gleefully welcomed them back. "95!" Shen screamed, rushing at her and practically toppling them over with the force of his hug.

95 laughed and leapt out of her mother's arms, throwing her own around Shen's neck. "I missed you, Shen!"

"Don't ever do that again!" Shen said sternly as he fiercely hugged her. "Don't!"

"I won't, I won't!"

95 got hugs and kisses from the rest of them, most notably 27, who couldn't stop crying. Finally, she looked around and her face fell for the first time since they'd reunited. "Where's Tethys?"

Σmily looked around. "Didn't he go in with you?"

"Yeah, he did," 38 said, with a small smile. "He was brilliant, too, we'll give you the full story later."

"Is he still in there?" 39 asked, cocking his head at the door.

95 smiled fondly and dashed over to the door, reemerging a moment later leading a hunched over, shuffling Tethys by the hand. "Come on," she said gently, smiling up at him. "You got me back, didn't you?"

"Da," Tethys whispered. The fight had apparently all gone out of him.

"Da," 95 repeated with a smile. She led Tethys over to Fox. "I know you make the decisions about who lives with us. I want Tethys to live with us."

"He kidnapped you!" 56 protested.

"He's my friend," 95 replied patiently. "He just didn't know about who loved him. But he knows now." She looked up at Tethys and smiled. "Right? You know now."

Tethys took one look at her shining, forgiving face, and fell to his knees, covering his eyes in front of Fox. "I'm sorry," he sniffled, removing his hands and hunching over even more tightly. "If—if you don't vant me, I understand. I just—I'm so sorry."

"Big," 95 murmured, throwing her arms around him and making comforting noises. "Big, we have room under the stairs, you can be with me, it'll be fine." She looked up at her uncle. "Fox, please."

"Well—" Fox said reluctantly.

"Remember, George, no man is a failure who has friends," Mags said.

"Where else will he go?" Σmily asked quietly.

"Aw, let him stay with his one friend," said 5-6.

Fox made a wishy-washy motion with his head, then looked at his mate for advice. 38 shrugged. "You saw him in there. He just gave up everything he knows. Couldn't hurt to give him a shot."

"Fine! Fine!" Fox said, surrendering. "Fine. He'll stay." He crossed his arms. "But I won' like it."

"Thank you, Uncle Fox!" 95 chirped, hugging him around the middle. She quickly helped Tethys up and grabbed his hand, leading him, stumbling, towards home.
Second to last chapter. Very exciting. All we have left is the epilogue.


:iconmaerd7733scaip: owns 95, Shen, and 56.
:iconmeerkatheart: owns Butterfly, Keller, and 27.
:iconprincessofhope19: owns Σmily.
:iconskullwitch57: owns Crow.
I own the rest of this.
© 2012 - 2024 spiceXisXnice
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SkullWitch57's avatar
Yay for Tethys beating up Bunny! And for Fox letting him join the Movie House, even if he won't like it.
I'm so glad they were able to get 95 back, and without having to have a big fight.